
Establish an Underground Utilities Program Resistant to Flooding


Partner with SMUD and PG&E to establish a flood-resistant Underground Utilities Program that would underground overhead utility lines in appropriate areas to increase the resiliency of the energy grid, particularly in existing communities.

Benefits: The undergrounding of electrical utilities would increase Sacramento County’s resilience to temperature- and wildfire-related impacts (see Temp-02 and Fire-01); however, in flood-prone areas, such as Sacramento County, underground utilities may be damaged during periods of inundation or rising groundwater. The County should partner with SMUD and PG&E to develop watertight, flood-resilient underground utility designs to minimize flood impacts on this infrastructure.

Timeframe: Near term

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Not Started​​

The efforts for this measure have not started. 

​​Status of Implementation

There are no updates to ​​this measure.

Updated 12/28/23